βš™οΈInstall eBPF Agent (Alaz) on Self-Hosted

To start monitoring your Kubernetes Cluster, you need to create a new Cluster on the Ddosify Self-Hosted platform. To achieve this, navigate to the Clusters page and click the Add Cluster button. After providing a unique name for the Cluster, you will be navigated to the Observability page, where you will see the Service Map, Metrics Dashboard and Distributed Tracing for this Cluster.

But before that, you have to install and run our open-source eBPF agent (Alaz) as a DaemonSet in your Kubernetes Cluster. Follow the below instructions to set up a new cluster successfully.

First, you need to expose your Self-Hosted application URL so that Alaz could write data to it. For this purpose, you can use tools such as ngrok or Cloudflare Tunnels. Here, we will use ngrok.

  1. Expose the application URL to the public

    1. For this, you can follow the first 2 steps in this post to configure ngrok: https://ngrok.com/docs/getting-started/.

    2. Then run

      ngrok http http://localhost:8014
    3. This will take your terminal into a session. In this session, copy the URL in the "Forwarding" row. In the below example image, the URL https://aa3a-31-223-64-94.ngrok-free.app points traffic to the URL http://localhost:8014. Copy the first URL.

  2. Install Alaz

    1. Open the cluster you want to monitor

    2. Click on the Set Up Cluster button

    3. A pop-up will open and show you how to install Alaz via Kubectl or Helm:

  1. Here, you will see a line that only exists on Ddosify Self-Hosted just above the code block. Here, change the protocol and the URL according to your exposed URL. In our example, we set http to https and set our URL as aa3a-31-223-64-94.ngrok-free.app.

  2. The pop-ups now look like this:

  1. Now you can execute these commands to install Alaz. For more details about them, you can check here.

If you require assistance with setting up Alaz, you can join our Discord or send an email to support@ddosify.com.

Last updated