πŸ“°Upgrading to Self-Hosted Enterprise

There are two plans for Ddosify Self-Hosted: Enterprise and Community Edition. While Community Edition allows you to execute load/latency tests and monitor your Kubernetes clusters up to 1 node, Enterprise Edition additionally allows you to

  • Set up alerts (up to 25)

  • Create teams

  • Monitor your Kubernetes clusters up to 20 nodes

To use Ddosify Self-Hosted Enterprise Edition, first, you should upgrade your plan from Ddosify Cloud. To upgrade your plan, follow these steps: 1. Click on your user icon in the upper right corner 2. Select "Pricing" from the dropdown menu 3. Click on the "Self Hosted" tab 4. You will be taken to the upgrade page where you can select your desired plan.

For more details on changing your subscription, you can check the docs.

After that, the Ddosify Self-Hosted pricing page should look like this:

You can also check your subscription status from the dashboard in Ddosify Cloud:

Here, you can see that the Self-Hosted subscription is not activated. To do so, set up your Self-Hosted application. For more details on setting up Ddosify Self-Hosted, you can check here.

To activate Ddosify Self-Hosted Enterprise, you can do the following:

  1. Open Ddosify Self-Hosted. You will see the dashboard:

  1. Click on the β€œUpgrade to Enterprise Edition” on the upper right corner. Here, you will see instructions on how to validate your license key.

  1. Go to Ddosify Cloud and open the account settings (which appears when you click on your account on the upper right corner). Below, you will see this:

  1. Click on β€œCreate License Key”. This will create a license key for you. If you wish, you can use the button next to it to revoke it and create a new license key. This allows you to upgrade Ddosify Self-Hosted again if you want to re-deploy it.

  2. Go ahead and copy this license key to the pop-up that appeared in Ddosify Self-Hosted. After you click on β€œApprove”, your license key is validated and then you will be redirected to the login page. After you log in, you can start to use Ddosify Self-Hosted Enterprise Edition.

Note: If you paste your Self-Hosted license key while not being subscribed to Self-Hosted Enterprise on Ddosify Cloud, you can still use distributed mode on Ddosify Self-Hosted Community Edition but you can’t use Enterprise features. If you wish to upgrade to Self-Hosted Enterprise Edition after this, you can first upgrade your plan on Ddosify Cloud. Then when you click on β€œUpgrade to Enterprise Edition” on Ddosify Self-Hosted, a pop-up will appear. Then, the license key you’ve already entered will be checked again after you click on β€œCheck Subscription”. If your Cloud plan is Self-Hosted Enterprise, your license key will be validated and you will be redirected to the login page. After you login, you can start to use Ddosify Self-Hosted Enterprise Edition.

If you require assistance with activating Ddosify Self-Hosted Enterprise Edition, you can join our Discord or send an email to support@ddosify.com.

Last updated